Within the framework of the call to Latin American and European countries for the International Conference on Venezuela, to be held in Colombia on April 25th, 2023, the organizations and individuals who sign this statement value the diplomatic efforts of the Colombian government to encourage meetings between key actors and uniting efforts in the construction of a common vision. We call on the States and the international community to base these meetings on the recognition and respect of human rights and the demands for justice of the population, which will allow a peaceful and democratic solution to be reached in the face of the crisis that Venezuela is going through.
In these multilateral efforts, it is essential to prevent serious human rights violations from being covered by impunity and from further escalating and damaging the population. For this reason, it is crucial that foreign ministries, presidents and legislators, and the international community in general, implement a human rights approach in their efforts to establish communication and cooperation mechanisms with Venezuelan authorities. This approach, in turn, provides diplomatic tools to avoid polarizing language and allows for dialogue based on facts, reflected in different reports from international protection organizations, such as the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission, and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. In turn, it allows the design of strategies anchored in the recommendations made to Venezuela in the reports of these and other organizations, allowing the monitoring of compliance actions through parameters and indicators that the States can use to measure the real cooperation of the government of Nicolas Maduro, and the process of democratic reinstitutionalization in the country.
States must do everything possible so that the government participates and cooperates with the multilateral bodies, since only in this measure can the actions carried out be monitored and the application of the pertinent corrective measures recommended. This cooperation must not be conditioned, and must adequately recognize and characterize the conflict. For this reason, it is vital that States that promote peaceful solutions for Venezuela keep their voices active to denounce the serious violations of human rights in the country.
For this reason, the organizations and individuals who sign here urge States and international organizations not to decline in their efforts to reactivate mechanisms for dialogue and negotiation, to seek a peaceful and democratic solution to the multidimensional crisis, and to develop action that allows:
- Recognize and measure the complex humanitarian emergency that keeps the majority of the population in need of assistance, so it is vital that immediate and effective measures be deepened to continue attending it; the signs of suffering and affectation of the population are evident and alarming. The international community must continue to work together to provide humanitarian assistance and ensure unimpeded access to it.
- Work to build a sustainable and lasting peace in Venezuela that helps to contain and eradicate the systematic violations of human rights that persist. It is crucial in this task to support Venezuelan civil society organizations that operate in a context of persecution, criminalization and the closure of civic space. Venezuelan civil society depends on this common effort to remain active, accompanied and protected against threats and attacks against them.
- Demand the holding of free and authentic elections in Venezuela in the processes scheduled for 2024 and 2025. The recovery of the right to elect and be elected involves recognizing and resuming the path started in 2021 to recover the optimal conditions of electoral integrity for political participation , where the independence and autonomy of the electoral power is guaranteed, the certainty of an electoral calendar, the activation of special operations to register and update the electoral registry inside and outside the country, political pluralism, qualified national and international observation and the freedom of expression in the framework of electoral processes. Electoral technical assistance from the United Nations and the European Union is a key element in this context.
- Likewise, the support of the States for democracy and human rights requires the resumption of diplomatic relations, to carry out the necessary steps to restore full consular operation that allows Venezuelans abroad to materialize their rights, including identity and political participation, to also have the ability to contribute to peaceful and democratic solutions in future electoral processes.
- Encourage the justice system to carry out independent investigations and genuine, expeditious and impartial trials against all those involved in the atrocities committed. As well as urging the implementation of the necessary reforms for the recovery of democratic institutions and the rule of law in the country. In this sense, the continuation and work of international mechanisms, such as the International Independent Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Court International Criminal Court have a fundamental role.
- Take measures aimed at protecting the migrant and refugee population. The mobility crisis of Venezuelan people is a mirror of the humanitarian crisis that the country is experiencing, for which most of them require international protection. The complexity that characterizes the Venezuelan emergency requires that States not work solely from the point of view of cooperation and assistance, but rather that they apply and promote comprehensive migration policies that are appropriate to international human rights standards in favor of Venezuelans in situations of mobility. in their own territories, considering the differentiated affectation of vulnerable groups such as women, indigenous people, the LGBTIQ+ population, among others.
- Develop an international and regional leadership committed to the democratic reinstitutionalization in Venezuela. The dialogue table in Mexico is an important step towards the transformation of the conflict in the country and it is necessary to comply with the agreements reached. However, a redemocratization process in Venezuela requires committed international support, which advocates for freedoms, respect for human rights, justice and the restoration of a sustainable democracy, which necessarily includes inclusion and full and effective participation of women, youth and other excluded groups, as well as civil society organizations, in all aspects of public life, decision-making spaces and dialogue process.
From civil society, we ratify our commitment to the restoration of democracy. We support the efforts for the construction of a peaceful solution to the conflict in Venezuela, we hope that, while supporting compliance with the agreements reached in the dialogues in Mexico, sustained efforts are maintained with a process of democratic reinstitutionalization of Venezuela that we know it will take time and efforts.
A.C. Casa del Nuevo Pueblo
A.C. Medicos Unidos de Venezuela
A.C. Reforma Judicial
Acceso a la Justicia
Acción En Positivo
Acción Solidaria
Alerta Venezuela
Amigos Trasplantados de Venezuela
Asociación Civil Gente del Petróleo
Asociación Civil Oportunidad Acciones Ciudadanas
Asociación de Trasplantes de Venezuela
Una Mano para Monagas
Caleidoscopio Humano
Cátedra de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado
CEDICE Libertad
Centro de Atención Integral Psicopedagógica Individual -CAIPI
Centro de Derechos Humanos – UCAB
Centro de Derechos Humanos – UNIMET
Centro de Investigación Social Formación y Estudios de la Mujer – CISFEM
Centro de Justicia y Paz – Cepaz
Ciudadanía Activa
Civilis Derechos Humanos
Club de Leones internacional Mendoza Fria
Comisión Nacional de DDHH de la Federación de Colegios de Abogados de Venezuela del estado Táchira
Comisión ULA Mujer
Comité de Rescate Federación Campesina De Venezuela
Dejusticia, Centro de Estudios de Derecho, Justicia y Sociedad
Epikeia Derechos Humanos
Espacio Civil a.c.
Fe y Alegría
Foro Penal
Fuerza Liberal
Fundación Aguaclara
Fundacion Centro Comunitario Para la Cooperación y el Aprendizaje
Fundación INCIDE
Fundación Loto Azul
Fundación Mariela Molero
Fundación para la Prevención de la Violencia Contra las Mujeres
Fundación Parkinson Carabobo
Fundación Prodefensa del Derecho a la Educación y la Niñez
Fundación Reflejos de Venezuela
Fundapden Internacional
Grupo Social Cesap
Instituto Venezolano de Estudios Sociales y Políticos -INVESP
Ipys Venezuela
Jurídico fundación crecimiento unidos
Juventud Venezolana en el Exterior (JUVENEX)
Laboratorio de Paz
Liga Merideña de VIH
Médicos Unidos de Venezuela Capítulo Carabobo
Movimiento Ciudadano Uniendo Voluntades
Movimiento Creando Ciudadanos (MOCRECI)
Mujer y Ciudadanía a.c.
Observatorio de Derechos Humanos Universidad de Los Andes
Observatorio de Violencias LGBTIQ+
Observatorio Global de Comunicación y Democracia – OGCD
Observatorio Hannah Arendt
Observatorio Penal Merida OPEM DDHH
Observatorio Venezolano de Prisiones
Observatorio Venezolano Derechos Humanos Mujeres
Ong Hombres por la equidad e igualdad
Ong No Permitas Malos Tratos
ONG Red Reto
Padres Organizados de Venezuela
Primero justicia
Programa Venezolano de Educación Acción en Derechos Humanos – PROVEA
Red de Activistas Ciudadanos por los Derechos Humanos – REDAC
Sinergia, Red de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil
Transparencia Venezuela
Unión Afirmativa
Venezuela en Baviera e.V.
Voto Joven
Women Riots
Adolfo P. Salgueiro
Angel Valles
Beatriz Borges
Beatriz Cardozo
Beatriz Gerbasi
Belkys Flores
Carlos Enrique Albornoz
Carlos Infante
Carlos Rodriguez
Carmen Lizeth Guaricuco González
Carmen Sequera
Celice Fernandez
Cristina Ciordia
Cruz Alberto González
Daniela Guerra
Deborah Van Berkel
Dheyby Yolimar Quintero Sivira
Diana Merchán Pérez-Perazzo
Dickson Segovia
Eddie A. Ramírez S.
Efri José Castro Moreno
Eleazar Enrique Robles Loyo
Elsi Escalante
Erasmo F. Villarroel R.
Francisco González Cruz
Freddy Irán Barrios Patiño
Gabriela Buada Blondell
Gipsy Sarita Montiel Ramirez
Gisell Colmenares
Gloria Debourg
Griselda Barroso Morgado
Griselda Colina
Guillermo Castillo Cabrera
Haydin Parada
Humberto Marcando Rodríguez
Ingrid Garrido
Iñaki Alberdi
Isabel Zerpa Albornoz
Ivan Ramos Barnola
Javier Blanco
Javier Francisco Bellorin Garrido
Jesús Castellanos Vásquez
Jesús Salas
Johana Pappe
Jorge Briceño Cepeda
Jorge Casas
Jorge Govea Cabrera
José Alonso Sánchez Moreno
José Escorche Escorche
José Parra
José Ramón uzcátegui puente
Judith C. Vega Mejía
Julio Ayala
Julio César Dorta Salazar
Karen Castillo
Karina Gerlach
Ligia de Gonzalez
Lilia Arvelo Alemán
Luis Alberto Gonzalez
Luis Nieto
Luis Peche Arteaga
Luisa Rodríguez Táriba
Magaly Huggins
Magdalena J Torres M
Mallerlin ennys diaz de camacho
Manuel Prada
Marco Romía
María De Oteyza
María Fernanda Fuentes Niño
Maria Hilda Cardenas
Maria Pia Pesci Feltri
María Teresa Romero
Mariela Little
Marisol De la Rosa
Marleny Devia
Martha Albarracin
Milangi González
Mirian Paredes de Robles
Mirluis Brito Núñez
Mirna Serrano
Nancy Noguera
Nelda Dezzeo
Nelson Oxford
Neyeska Cuba
Norjka Farreras-Iovino
Norman Pino De Lion
Omar Rivas
Pascual Guerrero Bolivar
Pedro Alcalá
Pedro Jose Briceño Vieras
Pedro Rojas
Piedad Gomez de Gamez
Quiteria Franco
Rafael E Guerra G
Ramón Tampoa
Raquel Cabrera
Raúl López
Rigoberto Lobo Puentes
Robert Emigdio González Ferrer
Roberto Giralte
Rodolfo Silva García
Rodrigo Arcaya
Rosy Alejandra Ayala Soriano
Ruben camacho
Sandra Flores-Garzón
Sergio Duarte
Sonia Josefina Marquina de Barrios
Valeria Abreu
Wanda Cedeño
Whyrlin Zamora Gil
Wilfredo Castro
William Rodríguez
Yaikari de Tovar
Yamel Rincón
Yatzury Galindez
Yolima Arellano
Yraida Ojeda
Zoraida Alvarez