We address you with urgency and determination, on behalf of the Coalition for an Inter-American Laboratory for Political and Social Innovation at a critical moment for Venezuela, where we demand from the international community a firm commitment to democratic reinstitutionalization.

It is crucial to carry out a coordinated multilateral action that guarantees human rights, promotes justice and builds peace, from an approach of transparency and innovation that brings multi-sectoral solutions to the country. We are concerned about the discourses or statements that are beginning to echo in the region, which point to the normalization and appeasement of the complex crisis that persists in Venezuela.

For this reason, we request that State delegations, when establishing mechanisms of communication and cooperation with the Venezuelan authorities, demand compliance with their international human rights obligations and the implementation of the recommendations established in the reports of international protection organizations that have been produced within the Inter-American system and the United Nations system.

A strategy that has human rights at the center and is anchored in the follow-up of the recommendations as binding demands for the Venezuelan government, avoids manipulation of narratives and polarizing discourses and offers a way for its effective implementation to get the country out of the multiple crises that keep the population in a state of deprivation and suffering.

In this sense, any support for dialogue and negotiation processes must be based on an adequate characterization of the conflict based on international human rights standards, including the population’s demands for democracy, justice and truth. Only in this way will we be able to reach a peaceful and democratic solution to the crisis the country is going through.

We need a regional leadership committed to democratic reinstitutionalization in Venezuela, a leadership for which justice must be a priority, demanding independent investigations and genuine trials against all those responsible for the atrocities committed and avoiding impunity.

A leadership that promotes the recovery of the right to political participation, without discrimination or persecution, and free and genuine elections in the framework of the electoral processes to be held in 2024 and 2025. In this context of closure of civic space and resurgence of political violence, support for civil society organizations is decisive in demanding our right to live in democracy.

The commitment to reinstitutionalization must not leave aside the need for humanitarian assistance that persists for the majority of Venezuelans, both those who are in Venezuela, as well as those who will continue to flee because of the multidimensional crisis that the country is experiencing. In this call, we ask States to remember the importance of the need for international protection of the majority Venezuelan population, and to develop migration policies based on human rights.

We ratify our unwavering commitment to the reestablishment of a stable democracy in our country. A path that requires concerted efforts, so that freedoms, justice and peace are possible in Venezuela.

Peace for Venezuela

Peace for Venezuela is a campaign that aims to break down the information bias surrounding the Venezuelan crisis within the international community and promote a stronger and more constructive role for the United Nations.