We, the Heads of State and Government, representing the peoples of the world, have gathered at United Nations Headquarters to protect the needs and interests of present and future generations through the actions in this Pact for the Future.

We are at a time of profound global transformation. We are confronted by rising catastrophic and
existential risks, many caused by the choices we make. Fellow human beings are enduring terrible suffering. If we do not change course, we risk tipping into a future of persistent crisis and breakdown.

Yet this is also a moment of hope and opportunity. Global transformation is a chance for renewal and progress grounded in our common humanity. Advances in knowledge, science, technology, and innovation could deliver a breakthrough to a better and more sustainable future for all. The choice is ours.

We believe there is a path to a brighter future for all of humanity, including those living in poverty and vulnerable situations. Through the actions we take today, we resolve to set ourselves on that path, striving for a world that is safe, peaceful, just, equal, inclusive, sustainable and prosperous, a world in which wellbeing, security and dignity and a healthy planet are assured for all humanity.

This will require a recommitment to international cooperation based on respect for international law, without which we can neither manage the risks nor seize the opportunities we face. This is not an option but a necessity. Our challenges are deeply interconnected and far exceed the capacity of any single State alone.

They can only be addressed collectively, through strong and sustained international cooperation guided by trust and solidarity for the benefit of all and harnessing the power of those who can contribute from all sectors and generations.

We recognize that the multilateral system and its institutions, with the United Nations and its Charter at the centre, must be strengthened to keep pace with a changing world. They must be fit for the present and the future – effective and capable, prepared for the future, just, democratic, equitable and representative of today’s world, inclusive, interconnected, and financially stable.

Today, we pledge a new beginning in multilateralism. The actions in this Pact aim to ensure that the United Nations and other key multilateral institutions can deliver a better future for people and planet, enabling us to fulfil our existing commitments while rising to new and emerging challenges and opportunities.

We reaffirm our unwavering commitment to act in accordance with international law, including the Charter of the United Nations and its purposes and principles.

We also reaffirm that the three pillars of the United Nations – sustainable development, peace and security, and human rights – are equally important, interlinked and mutually reinforcing. We cannot have one without the others.

We recognize that sustainable development in all of its three dimensions is a central goal in itself and that its achievement, leaving no-one behind, is and always will be a central objective of multilateralism. We reaffirm our enduring commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals. We will urgently accelerate progress towards achieving the goals, including through concrete political steps and mobilizing significant additional financing from all sources for sustainable development, with special attention to the needs of those in special situations and creating opportunities for young people. Poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, remains the greatest global
challenge and its eradication is an indispensable requirement for sustainable development.

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time with adverse impacts that are
disproportionately felt by developing countries, especially those that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. We commit to accelerate meeting our obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement.

To live up to our foundational promise to protect succeeding generations from the scourge of war, we must abide by international law, including the Charter, and make full use of all the instruments and mechanisms set out in the Charter, intensifying our use of diplomacy, committing to resolve our disputes peacefully, refraining from the threat or use of force or acts of aggression, respecting each-other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, upholding the principles of political independence and self-determination, strengthening accountability and ending impunity. With challenges and risks to international peace and security taking on more dangerous forms, in traditional and new domains, our efforts must keep pace.

Every commitment in this Pact is fully consistent and aligned with international law, including huma rights law. We reaffirm the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the fundamental freedoms enshrined therein. The implementation of the Pact will enhance the full enjoyment of human rights and dignity for all, which is a key goal. We will respect, protect, promote and fulfil all human rights, recognizing their universality, indivisibility, interdependence and interrelatedness and we will be unequivocal in what we stand for and uphold: freedom from fear and freedom from want for all.

We recognize that our efforts to redress injustice and to reduce inequalities within and between countries to build peaceful, just and inclusive societies cannot succeed unless we step up our efforts to promote tolerance, embrace diversity and combat all forms of discrimination, including racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and all their abhorrent and contemporary forms and manifestations.

None of our goals can be achieved without the full, safe, equal and meaningful participation and
representation of all women in political and economic life. We reaffirm our commitment to the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, to accelerating our efforts to achieve gender equality, women’s participation and the empowerment of all women and girls in all domains and to eliminating all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls.

We reaffirm our pledge, made on the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations, to reinvigorate global action to ensure the future we want and to effectively respond to current and future challenges, in partnership with all relevant stakeholders. We recognize that the well-being of current and future generations and the sustainability of our planet rests on our willingness to take action. To that end, in this Pact we commit to fifty-eight actions in the areas of sustainable development and financing for development, international peace and security, science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation, youth and future generations, and transforming global governance.

We will advance implementation of these actions through relevant, mandated intergovernmental processes, where they exist. We will review the overall implementation of the Pact at the beginning of the eighty-third session of the General Assembly through a meeting at the level of Heads of State and Government. We are confident that by then, we will be well on course towards the better and more sustainable future we want for ourselves, our children and all the generations who will come after us.

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Peace for Venezuela

Peace for Venezuela is a campaign that aims to break down the information bias surrounding the Venezuelan crisis within the international community and promote a stronger and more constructive role for the United Nations.